meet your legal team

Lanie Bandell

attorney bio

Riley W. Cirulnick

attorney bio

Brent J. Chudachek

attorney bio

Ronald J. Cohen

attorney bio

Stacie Daley

attorney bio
Joseph D. Garrity

Joseph D. Garrity
Of Counsel

attorney bio

Jennifer Gordon
Lorium PC, Chicago

attorney bio

Joe Grant

attorney bio

Richelle B. Levy

attorney bio

Adam Marshall
Managing Member

attorney bio

Gregory M. Mitchell

attorney bio

Chad P. Pugatch

attorney bio

Craig A. Pugatch
Managing Member

attorney bio

Qasim Rashid
Of Counsel

attorney bio

Arthur Halsey Rice
Of Counsel

attorney bio

Kenneth Robinson
Of Counsel

attorney bio

Adnan A. Shams

attorney bio
Jason Slatkin

Jason Slatkin
Of Counsel

attorney bio

Richard B. Storfer
Managing Member

attorney bio

George L. Zinkler, III

attorney bio